To develop and implement a program that encourages the gifting of assets by donors to create financial capability for the CLF to sustain its mission of supporting the CLA and CLA artists.


Develop and implement, with constant refinement, an Endowment Program that attracts donors to give to the CLF non-profit organization.

Receive assets and funds which, when invested, will provide necessary revenue for grants to be made by the CLF to further the mission of the CLA and CLA artist.

Provide donors with the accounting mechanics that benefit them, today or their estate tomorrow, while funding a cause, in which they believe.


Benefits to the Donor:

  • Perpetuates the donor’s values and priorities by providing assurance that programs that are important to the donor will survive.
  • Creates a sense of immortality because their donations serves as a permanent tribute to the donor.
  • Makes significant investment in the future of an organization that a donor finds important.
  • Encourages annual gifts thus giving donors the opportunity to perpetuate their annual gifting or estate planning.
  • Allows incremental funding as donors decide to give one time, annually or at the end of life.
  • Alleviates management burden. Some donors, particularly as they become older, are uneasy with managing their assets therefore giving to an Endowment
  • Program removes the burden and cost of managing the sale of assets.

Benefits to the CLF

  • Creates an ongoing source of income to provide a reliable source of income in perpetuity.
  • Enhance stability and prestige by sending a message of long-term planning and fiscal responsibility.Relieves financial pressure by providing annual support for the organization’s operating budget.
  • Allows program expansion by funding hardship, scholarships and grants.
  • Provides independence from economic, governmental, and political forces.
  • Builds pipeline of future gifts.
  • Encourages outright gifts from donors that want to make a commitment to the organization’s future.